5 Ways to Stop Procrastinating

3 min readOct 28, 2020
Photo by Oleg Magni on Unsplash

Have you ever found yourself pushing work until last minute? Waiting until the deadline to actually do work. But by the time, you finally are in the mood to work you’re stressed? I am going to explain different methods I use to become productive.

This is what you can do to stop procrastinating:

  1. Ask yourself, “What if I don’t do it?”

For example, this would be my process of thinking:

  • For example: Let’s say I have to study for a test and it’s weighted 75% of my grade
  • My mindset: I don’t want to study, but I am extremely unprepared
  • Now, that I acknowledged I am unprepared and I NEED to study
  • I need to think about the consequences of not studying
  • Which are I will fail the class and I would struggle to pass the class

This method doesn’t work for everyone. Some people use this way to help motivate them to work, because they’re more worried of the outcome. While others don’t really care and this method doesn’t work for them.

2. Turn off everything!

What if you need to work on your computer or tablet? Turn off your phone or put do not disturb on! Everything is online now, but here are the best apps for self control!

  • Flora: is a free app for getting things done! Help the world by planting a tree! By not using your phone for a certain amount time, Flora will plant a REAL TREE!
  • PocketPoints: is a free app and you gain points every time you’re off your phone! The user is able to use the points to purchase coupons and discounts.
  • NoxOcean: is a free app and you gain coins for the spent not on your phone. They have a cool feature where the user must flip the phone (the screen must be faced down) to gain coins! The coins are used to buy background calming music and cute figures. In the end it creates your own individual underwater city.

The thing with blocking apps is that they should be used in moderation, because sometimes blocking apps can cause the yearning for them to increase. If you haven’t checked out my other article called How to Get Out of a Social Media Addiction, I highly recommend reading it.

3. Exercise

Some people are burnt out! Take a break from work and exercise. Movement is extremely important for wellness. It can be yoga, pilates, cardio, strength training or even dance! Some of my favorite videos are down below:

4. Meditation

Meditating has been life changing for me. A simple five minute meditation session is a game changer. You might think won’t that make me more tired or less motivated? Actually it’s quite the opposite! Meditation is a good way to clear the mind of any thoughts and calm yourself down.

How to meditate?

  1. I sit down criss-cross and make sure my back is straight. Set a timer for five minutes or more. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Focus on the oxygen going through your nose reaching your stomach
  2. Whenever your mind starts focusing on other thoughts other than your breathe. Remember to think about breathing. From the oxygen going through your nostrils, lungs, back to your mouth

Here are some videos to follow if you are bit lost:



5. Get Someone to Watch Over you

Just like in school and work, teachers or managers are always guiding or supervising you. By getting some friends or family to watch finish your work, you are forced to. Something like a study session can help motivate you and your friends. It’s a win-win situation. Let’s say you don’t have any friends I highly recommend watching real time studying sessions. I plan to make a YouTube Channel, so be on the look out!

Please check out my other blog for free-styled, laidback passages and the articles that never made it to medium. I hope you look forward to it.

my blog: https://kaitsbackpack.blogspot.com/

If you have any ideas or suggestions for future articles I should write about please let me know down below.

be kind and spread love❤

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