A Discussion on Immigration

2 min readOct 7, 2021

Recently, there has been many Haitian citizens coming to the border of the United States due to many reasons such as their President getting assassinated or just lack of resources. Immigration is definitely a touchy topic in the United States as it’s very complicated process.

I had a discussion with a couple of friends uncovering the reasons why some do not want to accept immigrants and why others do. The United States has been one of the top countries in world due to agility, military, and resources. There’s many pull factors in the United States such as safety, freedom, and more.

How come most people go to the United States not any other country such as Canada, Japan, or another developed country?

Because it is seen by the world as an economic opportunity — the country of chance.

However, why must the United States accept immigrants? The United States spends a lot of money on the immigration system, shouldn’t the country spend the money on problems within the country? Why must the US help?

Because of morals and economically, the US takes in immigrants to keep society functioning—to keep the whole economy as a whole productive. Human nature is to feel sympathy for others when they are in need of help.

When people do not want to accept immigrants, it is rather due to nativism, xenophobia, and greed. They state reasons such as, “They are stealing jobs!” Immigrants do not steal jobs. Jobs are given to the most qualified person and regardless the jobs are going to competitive.

In times of now, the United States needs immigrants. Big companies such as Walmart and Amazon are hiring, because people do not want to work. In order for society to progress in the United States, we need to bring immigrants in.




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