How to Become 1% Better Every Single Day

3 min readApr 6, 2021
Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

If you become 1% better every single day, then you will become 3700% better by the end of the year. It’s very important that we do not remain stagnant, but that we continue to learn and expand our skills. To become 1% better, we must make it easier to initiate these habits and create a new lifestyle. By creating cues, your mind will be able to repeat the same routine everyday. As a result, you will build discipline and become a better version of yourself by the end of the year.

  1. Read 5 pages of a self-help book everyday
  • Reading books everyday will help you obtain newfound knowledge and expand your imagination. Genres like non-fiction or personal development help grow vocabulary, but teach lessons.
  • Cue: Place a book on your pillow and read 5 pages before bed, place a book on breakfast table and eat while reading

2. A clean room is a clean mind

  • Environment is extremely important in how habits and routines are developed. By cleaning and organizing, this sets you up for success.
  • Cue: Placing trash bags and Kleenex in your room will help make cleaning easier by having these items pre-placed.

3. Sleeping 8 hours a night and waking up early

  • A lack of sleep can harm your body and increase the risks of many illnesses. When you get the right amount of sleep you’ll find yourself, so much happier and more productive, because you have more energy.
  • Cue: Start turning off lights and stop using electronics two hours before curfew and this will help make you sleepier.

4. Journaling/meditating to bring calmness to mind

  • Writing down ideas and dreams helps bring creativity to daily life. Meditation brings more clarity and you will feel more energetic after meditating.
  • Cue: Right after I brush my teeth, I see a timer. The timer will cue me to start meditating as it would take five to fifth teen minutes to meditate.

5. Learn something new every

  • There are so many things in the world we could possibly learn from books or courses. Start learning about etiquette, self defense, and the economy. Your mind is limitless and this knowledge is bound to be helpful. Whether it’s having conversations with people, because of your wide range of newfound knowledge or it just comes in handy, I promise you learning something new will not harm you.
  • Cue: Every time, I open my laptop I search for something new to learn and research about it for fifth teen minutes. I also take notes to really implement and refresh my brain when I look over my notes in the far future.

Habits are the foundation to our current lifestyle. They are easiest to implement in the beginning, because of how motivated we are, but halfway through is the toughest part. I challenge you to continue to do these habits no matter how hard it gets, because you will not regret it. You will be the best version of yourself by using cues and go beyond just this article and create your personalized cues and habits list.




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